Our NICU Journey

Because of the type of twins we were having, the NICU couldn't have been avoided, and since our girls were 3 months early, they had to finish developing before we could just pack them up and take them home.

Kenley had been on every kind of oxygen assistance but was completely weened off by the time we took her home. She also had a PICC line (long term IV), 2 blood transfusions, a PDA (which was closed with medicine), had to learn how to eat from a bottle which we couldn't try until she was 34 weeks gestational age, and had to hold her own temperature.

 Still one of my favorite pictures of Kenley in the NICU


Reagan had been on every kind of oxygen assistance and needed only a small amount for a few days at home. She also had a PICC line, 1 blood transfusion, a PDA (she needed surgery to close it), had to learn how to eat from a bottle which we couldn't try until she was 34 weeks gestational age, had a NEC scare, and had to hold her own temperature.

My favorite of Reagan


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